Sheboygan Luv

Yes. One couldn’t ask for a better weekend. A big victory for the Badgers and the Packers stay alive beating Tampa. I wish more weekends were like this, they’ve been few and far between lately. This weekend I also headed up to Sheboygan for my cousin Angies wedding. It was a good time and I had a ton of fun hanging out with my aunts and uncles. From there I got hang out with all my old high school cronies and get the old five minute update on the last month of new news in Falls. I’ll be all by my little lonesome this week because Jocelyn is going to St. Thomas with her family so if anyone wants to come over and play the bachelor life, feel free. Also if you commit any crimes and need a hideout until Sunday you can do that too, but you’re going to have to find a new place to hide on Sunday night. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

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