Four! – teen Balls Lost

I stayed in on Friday and watched a couple movies and I suggest both of them. I watched “Super Size Me” as well as “Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.” It’s been a long time since I was able to watch one movie and not fall asleep during the it but both of these made the night fly by. Jocelyn went up to Canada on Friday but I couldn’t go with because I had my brother’s bachelor party on Saturday. Saturday morning I packed up J’s sister’s minivan and headed to Sheboygan for some golf and drink. The day really wasn’t the most ideal of days for golfing. It was really windy and cold. Our tee time was nine o’clock and with a temp of 37 and a gusting wind I teed off right into the river. That is pretty much how the day went. I’m awful at golfing and really have no desire to get better. It was fun golfing with Rich, Craig and Billy. The golfing really took a back seat to the drinking and screwing around after the front nine. The back nine our game really degraded and finishing was very hard. I lost somewhere around a dozen balls but I did manage to get par on one hole. We were the second of five foursomes to tee off so when we were done we sat in the clubhouse and waited for everyone to finish up. While we were finishing up I set up my laptop and stereo up for some tunes. We finished the party up at the club about ten and headed to Sheboygan for some drinks at Brennan’s. We stayed at the same place all night until two. There were a couple sober drivers so they took us back to Rich’s. I thought that this would be a lot crazier and I would have some crazy stories but I guess the wild bunch is getting old. It was still fun and there is still hope for craziness at the wedding.