Glory Daze III

Well my guy lost the election. I don’t know what the 51% of America is thinking. If you took time to watch any of the three debates there is no way that you could tell me with a straight face that this moron of a man is fit to run our country. My high school forensics team could’ve out debated that guy. Anyway, the country has spoken and I must now live with this man as my leader man for four more years. I guess it could be worse. I guess I could live in the Sudan. Ok, enough Ryan. It’s over and congratulations to the Bush supporters out there.

This weekend I had plenty of time to drink my blues away at Glory Daze III. For those of you that are unaware of what GD is, it’s basically a big bash that all the college buddies throw every year at a Badger game. This year it was the Minnesota game. Friday after work we jetted over to Madison and set up shop for the weekend. Jocelyn and I dropped off Todd and Steph on the west side at an Italian joint to eat. We were going to try to eat there as well but the place was packed so we tried four other packed places until we decided to wait it out at Chili’s. The wait was going to be about forty-five minutes but we got a first come first serve seat at the bar. I finally know why these places are so popular. Our whole meal, which included my kick ass fajitas, was under twenty bucks. I need to eat there more. After Chili’s J and I went to the Up North Pub for a drink to sit and chill. Graham joined us there and once we finished we headed down to Brats to meet the rest of the motley crew. We stayed there until about ten and then went up to The State where the entire clan stayed the rest of the night. I didn’t feel like drinking much so I only had a couple drinks. I still had tons of fun though talking with all my buddies and catching up. About one-ish a bunch of us piled into the Montero and headed to Graham’s to get some shuteye.

Saturday I was up pretty early. I took easy on Saturday just so I would be fully rested for the fun to come. It ended up being about ten once everyone got showered up and ready to go. We got down to campus and found an ideal parking spot. We parked the hoopty and headed to our meeting area. My group of friends from Chicago rented an RV to drive to Madison and we were going to use that as our focal party spot. When we got over to the RV things weren’t really set up yet so I went to Buck’s with a couple of people for a drink. We had our drink there and headed back to the site and started to get the party going. I really don’t know much of the debauchery that went on during the party. I was designated grill man so I didn’t leave a ten foot radius. The grilling took at least two hours but people were kind enough to come talk with me while I was grilling. Once I was done grilling I brought out some of my Rau Brau to sample and then we did some heavy drinking. When game time came around I didn’t have a ticket so we headed over to the Stadium Bar with a bunch of the group and watched the game there. The Badgers steamrolled the Gophers and the game was pretty much over after the first quarter. J and I stayed there until halftime. At halftime we went to Luther’s Blues to hang out with Jocelyn’s cousin Ethan and his friends. We had a great time at Luther’s and the second half of the game flew by. Once the game was over Jocelyn and I went to Casa Bianca’s for some cheese steak and pizza. We finished eating and then found the rest of the crowd stationed at the Karaoke Kid. We had to wait in line about forty-five minutes but once we got in the whole clan was there. It was just like the good old times, sitting around, being dumb. I was pretty exhausted so I only had a beer but just being around the clan was tons of fun. I sang my traditional “Ring of Fire” and watched as my friends embarrassed themselves. Once everyone was done at the Karaoke Kid the group kind of disintegrated. J and I went to The Key but when we got in the door we decided we had had enough. I had had one drink in about five hours and was just exhausted. We left The Key and headed to Qboba for a late night snack. After we were done with that we headed to Hamm’s brother’s place and crashed for the night. Another fun Daze in the books.