I Give Thanks For This Alternator

This Thanksgiving wasn’t that wild and crazy Thanksgiving weekend that I’m used to. J and I drove up to Falls after work to take part in the biggest bar night of the year. I could really care less how big of a bar night that it is I just like hanging out with all my old cronies. We hit up the Osthelder and the normal crowd was there. The thing is I’m used to seeing the “normal” crowd. Usually on Thanksgiving there are a couple people that you run in to that you haven’t seen in a while. This Thanksgiving that didn’t happen. So we did the “normal” circuit instead. Went to the Other Place and hit up Big Jimmy’s. I did a little karaoke action at the OP and that was probably the highlight of what turned out to be a below average Thanksgiving-eve night.

Thanksgiving we did the normal Thanksgiving thing. We went over by my brother Randy and had dinner. We ate late this year which was a little different than our normal mid-afternoon time. We drank a couple bottles of wine and I played with my nephew. Once the food was ready we dug in and it was delicious, how could it not be. After dinner we laid around and got tired. We headed home and gave in to the tryptophan.

The day after Thanksgiving I had some things that I had to buy. I know the stores are crazy packed but I really didn’t have any other time to do my errands. I headed to TJ Maxx to look for some dress pants. They didn’t have any pants but I did find a great deal on an acoustic guitar. I have wanted one for so long so I finally bought one and am going to learn how to play the axe. If you aren’t on my good side right now you might want to start sucking up because I might just forget you when I’m a rock star in a couple years. We went to a couple other stores but I rushed through them so I could get back to my brothers and start jamming on my guitar. Once we got back to my brothers house my jam session was further delayed by a quick burger from On the House bar down the street. Finally, I was able to start living my dream. I quickly noticed that my dream would take a long time because it was extremely hard to play the guitar without a tuner or a pick. I figured I would get a tuner on eBay but I could buy some picks now. So I hopped in the hoopty and drove to the music store to buy some picks. On my way to the store I noticed instantly there was something wrong with the car. Whenever I stopped at a stoplight the radio would turn off and the lights would dim. I knew I had some power problems but I would not let this sidetrack my rock star dreams. Hoping that I could complete my trip I parked at the music store and got my picks. When I got back to the car the thing was dead as a doornail. I had to call Jocelyn and Billie to come jump me so I could at least get the car back to my brothers. Risking electrocution in the rain I jumped the car and drove back to my brothers. It ended up being the alternator. This situation was mixed. If this would have happened in MKE it would have cost us at least double. On the other hand we had really had enough of ‘boygan and wanted to get back. So we called AutoZone and luckily they had an alternator for us. So we told them to hold it and we would pick it up the next morning. Now that we knew where we stood we continued with our actual plans. J and I were going to take my brother and his wife to Schwarz’s for some steak to pay him back for all the work he has done on J’s cars (oh the irony). Since our car was dead we took their ride. My porterhouse at dinner was delicious as usual, still the best steak in the world. From there my bro dropped us off at the microbrewery in Sheboygan and Jocelyn and I sat there and wasted the night away. We went to a couple other bars after that and then took a cab home.

Saturday we woke up and headed to our most frequented store in Sheboygan, AutoZone. We went there and asked for our alternator and to our surprise the delinquent that was working the phones last night didn’t have the part. It turns out they couldn’t find the part. So we proceeded to call every mechanic in the area to track down the part. We ended up finding one in Fond Du Lac. Once again we got extremely lucky because Billie was shopping in Fond Du Lac and she was able to pick the part up for us. We got the part around five and had it in within an hour. Another thanks to the bro and now we have another reason to go to Schwarz’s for another steak. I got washed up and we headed back to MKE. That night Chappy was having a party to I cruised over there solo because J was shot. I hung out with the boys and grooved until about midnight and then went home. The end to an exhausting weekend.

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