Super Nothing Special Bowl Sunday

I was sick almost all week so I slept Friday night away. Saturday I was going to do more of the same but Marti called me and asked if I wanted to go to the Marquette game. Not being one to turn down a free ticket I decided to go. I don’t know where our tickets actually were but second half we snuck down and got pretty close to the action. Marquette won so my decision to go was a good one. After the game Chad came over for a bit but after he left it was back to sleep for me. This Sunday was the Super Bowl and I held another Super Bowl party. I got up pretty early to start all the dips and other food. We had chili, BBQ pork, chicken wings, guac, French onion dip, taco dip and pizza rolls. That morning I was starting the taco dip while I waited for the shower to open up. While I was doing this I heard the door open and some guy walk in. The guy looked at me in confusion and I looked at him in surprise and he yelled out “Oh shit, sorry” and took off. It was the guy that lives above us and he must’ve gotten off on the wrong floor and wasn’t paying attention, very funny. After that I finished getting myself and all the food ready. Luedke, Adam, Stacy, Todd, Steph, Chappy and Katie all arrived pretty close to kick off. We all pitched in $10 for a 50/50 pool and I was lucky enough to win the first half and J won the second so we won almost enough to cover the party cost. It appeared everyone liked the food, especially the pizza rolls, and everyone had a good time. The game was just another game, nothing too spectacular but another reason to get together with friends.