You Take The Good You Take The Bad

These past couple weeks haven’t had that much going on. Last weekend I didn’t go out all weekend and just lounged, rested, and worked on my new Media Center PC (which kicks butt by the way).

Saturday Jocelyn’s mom came up for a visit. She took us out to a late lunch at the Ale House. I had a couple of my favs, Sheepshead Stout, and delicious mushroom burger. The burger really hit the spot because I don’t get my weekly Friday lunch burger fix anymore due to lent. The Ale House trip is pretty much the only thing that happened last weekend.

This weekend didn’t start out so hot. The week in general was pretty crappy. My aunt Joanie died. The funeral was Friday morning so that is a downer way to start out a weekend. I was close with my aunt Joanie. My mom and I did a lot with her on the weekends when I was growing up. So Friday morning we headed to Sheboygan. The funeral was obviously sad and after the funeral we had lunch with the family and headed back to Milwaukee. I wasn’t planning on doing much that night but it was Matzek’s birthday so I headed out to Mo’s to meet up with the clan. J had stuff to do on Saturday so she stayed home. I went out at ten which seemed like two days later in this long day. I stayed at Mo’s and then went to My Office with the newly engaged Adam and Stacey. We closed that place down and I went to Mykano’s for a gyro and headed home.

Saturday Jocelyn’s dad came into town and we went to Joey Buona’s to over eat. If you plan on doing anything Saturday night, do not eat here. Whenever I eat here it puts me into satisfied, deep sleep mode and I just lay. So I laid the rest of the night and did nothing but watch a movie. Sunday J’s dad came over to watch his beloved Illini lose to the Buckeyes to ruin their undefeated season. After that we went to brunch with Jocelyn’s dad at the Pfister. After we finished eating J went to show her dad her office so I went home. It was a beautiful day so I decided to go for a run. The lakefront was packed with people enjoying the rare 50 degree weather. It turns out Mother Nature was just teasing us because this week has been cold and snowy.

A very big positive event is going to happen this Friday. After years of struggling to get my credit cards paid off this week will be the week. This week’s check will officially put me credit card debt free. I will have paid off Spring Break ’98, ’00, and ’01 as well as countless other frivolous items I purchased when I was given the financial power of plastic. What a joy this is and a word to the kiddies getting credit cards now. Don’t get them! And if you do make sure the limit is somewhere around $300. I’m also off to AZ this weekend so I should have some good stories for you next week.