The Future Is A Scary Place

This Saturday we got a taste of football. The draft was held this weekend and we went over to Adam’s house for a draft day party. We decided to grill out and I volunteered to do the grilling which ended up being a huge mistake. I have been to Packer games in December that were warmer than this day. It was sunny but the wind was constantly whipping off the lake and it was flat out cold. Once I got all the grilling done I went inside to warm up and see the Pack’s first pick. We ended up drafting Aaron Rodgers, a QB from Cal. This pick actually jarred something and I realized that one day the Packers will be on the field without Brett “the man” Favre. I guess this is the beginning of the much talked about end and we will one day see another number other than 4 under center. I need to start preparing for a Favreless Packers but I hope I still have a couple of years of Favre as I am not quite ready for the transition. This new guy also needs a couple years apprenticeship to learn to be half the man of Favre. Half a Favre is better than a whole quarterback on any other team. The rest of the day we watched the draft and debated players, teams and the Packers. The conversation was never dull and because we had Graham there to stir the pot with his barrage of counterpoints and opinions. I went home about six to eat a pizza and meet Schwenker at my apt. We ate the za and I was able to get revenge in mini-shot checkers. My head was clear this time around and I beat Schwenker 2-0. Jocelyn came home about 8 and I got dressed and we went to Cans on North Ave. This was the first time I visited this establishment and I really liked it. It was a little pricey but I liked the atmosphere. The rest of the crew was there and it was a coincidence that Evraets and Billy were across the street at a different bar. They came over to Cans for a bit and we headed to 3. 3 was completely dead so J and I had a drink there and ditched the rest to go to the Metro. We wound down the night there and headed home.