Regular ‘ol Weekend

I am posting this entry from the comfort of my couch because this past week it got a new laptop. I got a Dell 700m and I absolutely love it. I’ve had a pretty low key month with the exception of Wertz coming in from NY. Friday we went to Mequon to pick up Jocelyn’s dress for Todd’s wedding. While we were out there we went to Milli’s Spaghetti Factory. This place used to be a regular stop for my mom, aunt Joanie and me when we made our trips to Northridge Mall (which is no longer open). The food was good and I got what I always got as a kid, linguine in red clam sauce, yum. After that we headed back downtown and went by Luedke’s for a bit. We had a beer there and after that Jocelyn went home because she was doing the Urban Frog race the next day. I on the other hand was able to have a couple more beers. So I joined the L, Adam and Stacy for a couple beers across the street at Halliday’s. I had a couple beers and headed home before midnight. On my walk home I got buzzed by a couple on a crotch rocket. They were being followed by four others also on bikes. The second group passed two cars using the white divider line as a lane so they weren’t the safest of riders. At that moment I had one of those, “Those people are going to kill themselves,” or “Someday something bad is going to happen to them moments.” I kept on walking and got about 100 yards from the upcoming intersection when I heard the screeching and crashing. The guy and girl got hit broadside and thrown a good 20+ yards into the little park that was by the intersection. There was a white Celica with four hysterical girls in it that had the front end smashed in and the bumper half off. I was one of the first people on the scene but could already hear sirens coming so I didn’t need to call 911. I stood and watched the melee for about 20 minutes and the guy didn’t move once. The bike had a v contour to it so I’d imagine they both had at least one crushed leg. Shows you what unsafe riding can do I guess.

Saturday I had a little list of things to do. Jocelyn was doing her adventure race so I was going solo. I took her car to the mechanic to get the air conditioning checked. I dropped the car off and took my bike out of the back of the Montero and biked around downtown for a bit. There were people running around doing the race but I didn’t see J anywhere. One of my errands was exchanging my bike seat. It had a hole in it when I bought it and they said I could just take it in to Wheel & Sprocket for an exchange. It was a good fifteen miles roundtrip so it took me a little over an hour. I got the seat exchanged, biked to the mechanic to pick up the Montero and headed home. Jocelyn got home about four or five and took a nap. Around seven we went to Elsa’s with Adam and Stacy to get some grub. The food there is very good. Their menu is mostly gourmet hamburgers and pork chops. When you walk into the place it seems like a swanky joint but they serve mostly burgers. The place is owned by the same people who own the Kopp’s hamburger places so you know the burger is going to be good, and it was. I had an APV II which had some blue cheese and onions fried in Cabernet sauvignon, delicious. The meal was very good but the drinks added a lot of money to the bill and we spent more than expected. My suggestion is just get the burgers there. They’re about $8 and well worth it. Save the drinks for My Office. So after dinner we went to of all places, My Office. We had a couple drinks there and chatted it up with the bartender. After that we went and met Adam’s friends at County Claire for one last beer and then headed home, again before the stroke of midnight.

Sunday I woke up and did what will be my normal Sunday morning routine for the next 18 weeks. I started training for the Chicago marathon so I do my long runs on Sundays, 11 miles this week. After that Jocelyn and I went to the mall in Brookfield. We shopped around and then went and ate at a place called the Char House. I had to get a suit coat for an event this coming weekend so we went to Men’s Warehouse after that and low and behold Todd and Steph were there. Todd was getting his tux fitted for the big day. It was a quite the coincidence because I will probably die in this suit coat and don’t venture to Brookfield very much. After that run in I got my coat, a steal by the way, and we headed home to sit on the couch and watch the end of the U.S. Open.

The Summer of the Hamburger

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To think that people actually get paid to sample and write columns on their favorite hamburgers. Man did my guidance counselor screw that up. It is the first day of summer and I have decided to make summer of ’05 the year of the hamburger. I vow to sample every burger in this JS Online article. I will also be grilling many burgers in search of my own recipe. If anyone wants to join me on the Tour of Burgers where we will sample all the burgers below this summer, feel free to contact me. just had a great hamburger show too. Here is their link as well.

FoodTV: Challenge: Build a Better Burger
JS Online: Building a bigger, better burger