Baseball and Beats

The leg is getting better but I still have a long way to go. The bruising is absolutely disgusting. I have a bruise from my butt to my knee covering the rear 180 degrees of my leg. I can at least walk in a quazi normal fashion. But the leg wasn’t going to keep me from going to the Brewers game. The D’backs were in town so I got tickets from Craig for all three games. On Monday Jocelyn and I went early and I got to see my first batting practice. We talked to Craig for a bit before the game and got caught up on everything and I told him my back to back foul balls story. The game was a victory for the Brewers.

Tuesday’s game was a normal Brewers experience. Jocelyn and I tailgated pre-game and then watched the Brewers win. It was actually the best of the three games because the Brewers won and Craig got three hits, perfect.

Wednesday was a day game and I decided to take a half day. I hadn’t been to a day game during the week for a couple years so this was a good reason to go. Jocelyn was going to go but couldn’t get off work so I called Wians and Luedke. It was a perfect afternoon to catch some baseball and some rays. The game was pretty boring and the Brewers lost but the weather and time off made up for it.

Friday was yet another Brewers game. I didn’t even know I had tickets to until the night before. This night was a carbon copy of Tuesday except we sat in the beer pen and grilled marinated flank steak and potatoes.

Saturday was Evraets’s reception for his Mexican wedding in February. I was an integral part of making this reception fun because I volunteered to be the DJ. I have been working on my playlist for the last two weeks so that was set and ready to go. Early on Saturday I had to drive to Kenosha to pick up all the equipment that I needed to play some pumping music. So after I got the speakers and lights I headed back to Milwaukee to get ready. After we got ready we headed to Port Washington to set everything up. I set everything up and learned how to work the lights and the mixer. After that we went to meet up with the wedding party at a little supper club to have dinner before the reception. The entire wedding party wore their same outfits that they wore in Mexico so everyone was pretty overdressed for a Random Lake supper club. After dinner we went back to the hall and started things off. My list started with some 60s and then progressed in years as the night went on. The lights were going and the music was blasting. Throughout the night there was a good amount of people on the dance floor. I did learn that the job of a wedding DJ isn’t that easy. The crowd was very tough because they were mostly bar going beer drinkers so they camped by the bar all night and you couldn’t move them from the free tappers for anything. I also learned that there are a couple people who think that they know the magic song to get everyone dancing and whooping and hollering and they won’t leave you alone until you play the song. I also learned that every time you play the song they have to hear they are usually the only ones dancing. Also with the ability to create playlists on your laptop the job of the wedding DJ is much easier because you don’t have to switch CDs and can pretty much set it and forget it. Finally people love slow songs. Put on anything that people can dance cheek to cheek and the floor will fill up. The whole experience was a very very fun one. I think everyone had a good time and I got to experience something new. There were a lot of shots of tequila and some pretty sauced up people so I know at least they had fun. After some heavy hitting house requests I played the final slow songs and shut it down about 1. Everyone helped me break down the equipment and we headed home. It was a lot of fun.

Sunday we headed up to the Brady St. Artesian Festival. There were a bunch of tents with crafts and food. We ate some cheese and checked out the beaded jewelry. Nothing beats the people watching of Brady St.