Flippin’ Good Time This Halloween

This Halloween was a lot of fun. My costume of choice this year was Napoleon Dynamite. I bought some moon boots and a flippin’ sweet wig and glasses. I wore my costume to work on Friday and won the award for funniest costume. We didn’t do anything Friday night because we knew we would have to be full power on Saturday.

Somehow Jocelyn talked me into doing a fun run on Saturday morning. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do it because of my leg. I put on my Napoleon outfit and attempted to do the run. My leg is still really screwed up and I’m going to have to go get it checked out sometime in the next couple months. I bit the bullet and walked and ran and walked and ran until we finished. I finished just a shade under a day. One positive of the run was that it finished at the Milwaukee Ale house. We met a bunch of Jocelyn’s swimming buddies that also ran the race at the Ale House and drank some of their special beer that they brew only for the runners of the race. We stayed there until about noon. It was worth getting up for but I could have done without the running part.

Saturday night we went to a party in Random Lake at one of my brother’s friend’s house. He had asked me if I could be the DJ for the party and since I hadn’t heard of anything else going on I gladly accepted the duty. We arrived about 8 o’clock, I as Napoleon and Jocelyn as a hippie chick. Tal, the owner of the house, had a great Captain Morgan costume. Craig was Elvis, Jackie was a wench, Feyer was a blue man group guy with Dan and Rich Weiss was my favorite costume, a tiki guy. The party was a lot of fun. Tal has a great house right on Random Lake. I didn’t know a lot of people that showed up but everyone at the party was cool and it appeared a good time was had by all. We were crazy until about four in the morning (day light savings included) when we shut it down. We ended up spending the night in Random on Craig and Jackie’s couch. After a pretty disappointing Halloween last year it appears one of my favorite holidays is back on the fun track.