Still Love My Pack

My boy Chad Marti hooked me up with a ticket to the Monday night Packers v. Vikings game. I took Monday off for the festivities. I hitched a ride with some old Falls cronies, Ryan Pyrek and Darrin Miller. We drove up to Falls and went the rest of the way with Ryan’s dad in the family mini van. We made really good time on the way up and parked in our normal parking spot to the west of the stadium. The Marti males had all been up North hunting so they met us at the game all scraggily and Daniel Boone looking. The tailgate was fun as usual but you could tell that it was missing the woman’s touch. We had chips, beer and a subway sub, all which were delicious. We were missing some key amenities that a woman would remember such as a table and silverware. So we used the cooler for a table and cut the sub with the same knife that hours earlier had gutted a deer, that’s manly. No matter, the sub tasted great. My portable Milwaukee boom box that I brought for tunes was a big hit and we managed to make some friends because of it. Some revelers on the other side of the parking liked the tunes and invited us to join them. We ventured to their tailgate and had some chicken wings and other grilled and fatty foods. Finally it was time to go into the game. Lambeau is always an amazing experience win or lose. Unfortunately my last couple trips there have been losses. It was another close game for the hapless Packers but they lost it in the end. I brought my camera along and I was able to get some great pictures during the game. I love my new camera. After the game we piled in the van for the long ride back. We spent the night at my brother’s house in Sheboygan and then drove the rest of the way in the morning. Not the result that I had hoped from the trip but I still love the world’s greatest team, the Packers.