The Bears Still Suck

No brainer for this weeks title.

Friday was a pretty cold one. Jocelyn and I had already made the decision on Monday that we wanted to go out to eat so even though it was chilly we walked to the Pasta Tree. The Pasta Tree is a quaint restaurant that is a couple blocks from where we live. Once we got there it was fine because the fire and wine made for a warm and cozy environment. The food was fabulous and it comes highly recommended. I got the shrimp and broccoli cream sauce and J got a vegetable type pasta. It was very satisfying but that satisfaction quickly faded as we stepped outside for the cold walked home. Once back at home we cranked up the radiators and popped in Star Wars III. We sampled some of the wines that Jocelyn got and enjoyed the warmth.

I had to help out Luedke so I woke up very early on Saturday and helped him out until about one o’clock. After I got home I was pretty tired so I took a nap. J and I both needed some stuff from Wal-mart so we headed there about three. We left at the absolute worst time because as soon as we left a blizzard started. We made it to Wal-mart, picked up a little Christmas tree and made it back ok but the weather was awful. This bad streak of weather really took away my desire to leave the house so J and I got some gyros from Mykono’s and had a repeat of the night before, with a different movie of course.

Sunday I was feeling a little stir crazy so I met some of the guys at Rosie’s for the second half of the Packers v. Bears game. The Packers managed to once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The sting was further compounded by the jack ass Bears fans that came out of the woodwork and were watching the game as well. I like how every single one of them was also a “life long” White Sox fan, typical FIBs. After the game I had to go meet my live in Bears fan at Borders to pick up some books/Christmas gifts. On the way home we stopped at Flannery’s for a burger to conclude the events of the weekend.