What a fun weekend we had this week. J and I put together a get away weekend to the Dells with Adam, Stacey, L, Anna, Chappy and Katie. We left after work on Friday night and drove up. When we got to our motel, which was the same one we stayed at last time, we checked in and got situated in our room. We then headed down to the pool and drank some drinks and enjoyed the summer weather. The second car of folks arrived about an hour after us so everyone was accounted for and having a good time. After a couple hours by the pool we got ready and hit the strip. We stopped by the always cool Riverwalk that is on the way to the strip. We saw a Doors cover band and got to take some pictures with a monster truck. After that we had a couple swigs at Nig’s and played some pool. Our final bar was the Essen Haus and the boot game. At bar time we headed back to the motel and caused some havoc in the pool. We were up until three or fourish causing trouble.
Saturday we woke up early. I can’t really say bright eyed and bushy tailed but we woke up. We headed off to Noah’s Ark for some water slides. It was kind of overcast but it was warm so the park was fun. We all hit a bunch of slides. I knew I had packed on a couple pounds but I didn’t know I was as bad as I am. I was going down Jungle Rapids and I actually got stuck! The slide has a flat portion and my momentum couldn’t carry me through it. Luckily Jocelyn, who was behind me, saw me just sitting there in the slide and didn’t go down the slide and run into me. So I scooted forward and finally got going. Oh man. After the water park we headed back to the motel and slept for a couple hours. After everyone woke up and got ready we headed to the boat ride we had booked. We took the powerboat boat tour of the river and it was so much fun. We got drenched and were laughing the entire time. It was way more fun than the ducks and well worth the cost. We weren’t expecting to get as drenched as we did so we drove back to the motel to change for dinner. We went to Moose Jaw pizza which is a great microbrew eatery. We drank at the bar while we waited for our table. By the time dinner rolled around everyone was famished. We dug into the pizzas and shared some laughs while wearing our paper moose antlers. It felt like a scene out of Lampoon’s Vacation and Marty Moose. We were obviously planning on going out again after dinner but once we got back to the motel and sat down everyone kind of crashed. We had a bunch of drinks in the motel room and hung out there the rest of the night.
Sunday on the way back L, Anna, J and I stopped at the Delafield Brewhaus on the way to the Brewer’s game. I had my third beer sampler of the weekend and a delicious Cajun burger. We then went to the Brewer’s game for the nesting dolls giveaway. It was a great weekend.