On a New (Lakefront) Path
Another week that started early. This time instead of Jazz in the Park being the culprit it was one of Rock Bottom’s Mug Club events. Rock Bottom Brewery holds tapping events every month where members of the Mug Club can go to RB and try the month’s new beer for free. J and I went to the Oktoberfest celebration. They had a polka band and waitresses in durndels. We had our fair share of free beers then went inside and had one at the bar. After that we went to Jazz in the Park but didn’t stay. We decided to go to My Office “for one”. We ran into some interesting Irishmen and spent a couple hours talking to them. They were both unbelievably drunk. The one was almost unconscious but then the semi coherent one wanted to sing some Irish ballads. So the bartender turned down the jukebox and the guy snapped out of his coma and blasted forth this voice and song that brought chills to my body. They sang this great song and then the guy fell back into his coma. We would’ve loved to stay longer but we had to leave so we could get up for work the next day.
We didn’t do anything on Friday. We watched a movie and build a home theater PC for my cousin Steve.
On Saturday we headed to Chicago. I had to drop off Steve’s computer. Steve wasn’t there when we arrived and I forgot a power cord so I ran to Best Buy to get the part. On the way back I stopped at The Weiner Circle for a top notch Chicago dog. Steve was back when we returned. I gave him his computer and helped him set it up. J and I had brought our bikes along and joined Steve and his girlfriend for a bike ride down the lakefront. We started in Lincoln Park and biked past Navy Pier to Soldier Field. We had to get to J’s mom’s so we turned around and went back while Steve continued on. When we got back we broke down our bikes and headed to the Chicago burbs. It was only about a half hour drive. The rest of the night was pretty low key. We got some delicious Chicago style deep dish pizza for dinner and I ate way too much. It was an exhausting day and I was sleeping by 11.
We stuck around all of Sunday as well. I spent the day watching football and losing in pool to Chad. For dinner Craig cooked up his special filets and we had a great dinner and some wine. We shot a little pool after dinner and then we headed back to MKE. We made it back at about 10. A long weekend but very fun.