Fair and Labor

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This weekend started unexpectedly early. Thursday J and decided to go to Jazz in the Park and out of nowhere I see my high school buddy Justin Gigstad walking around. Apparently he comes down from Falls fairly often to check out the concert. So J and I hung out with G and drank some wine. J went home but since G didn’t have to work and there was a holiday weekend coming up I decided to show him some of the Milwaukee haunts. We went to the Lodge for pitcher and a pizza. Then went to the new Brew City and our final stops were My Office and Myk’s. It was a great time but an unexpected night out.

Friday after work we headed up to Sheboygan for the county fair. J and I stopped at the O and waited for G to show up so we could return his hat that was left by my place the night before. After he showed up we gave him his hat and headed to the farm to pick up my moving boxes for our upcoming move. I said hello to Randy, my nephew and my dad. We chatted a bit and then I headed to Rich’s new house in Plymouth. We headed to the fair to get some Hot Wisconsin cheese, watch some tractor pulls and drink some Leine’s. The fair was the same ol’ fair but I had a lot of fun. I ran into to some of my high school chums so we talked stupid for a bit and reminisced about the days when we used to harass the carnies. After the fair we went to Antonio’s for a night cap. When we got home we had a shot of moonshine and went to bed.

We got to bed at a decent time on Friday so we were up pretty early on Saturday. Rich was roofing his garage. We stopped at a discount home supplies store and from there J and I embarked on the longest drive from Sheboygan to Milwaukee ever. We started by driving around looking for someplace to eat. We wanted pizza but all the places we wanted to go to were closed. We ended up going to Ella’s Deli in the beautiful torn up downtown Sheboygan Falls. I forgot how good the subs from Ella’s were. From there we stopped by Terri Andre State park. It has been ages since I’ve been there and once again I forgot how nice one of the gems of Sheboygan was. The water was so blue for Lake Michigan and the wind swept beach and dunes were gorgeous. J and I walked down the beach to the shelter house and looked at some of the teaching displays. Once we were done at the beach we headed to MKE. We got sidetracked on the way again and tried to stop at the Cedarburg winery. The winery wasn’t what I expected though because it is right in the downtown. I was expecting a big ranch type place in the country with a big barn, not a store in the downtown. We missed it when we were trying to drive there and drove right by it. When we asked directions and heard what the winery actually was we were disappointed and just drove back to MKE. When we arrived at home we had already had a complete so we took a nap. We woke up to embark on the next phase of the day. The Badgers were playing so J and I went to Brother’s happy hour to watch the game. We drank some beers and got some appetizers while watching Bucky win. J’s cousin Ethan and his friends met us at the bar and we bounced around Milwaukee all night drinking and playing darts. Ethan and his friends are crazy and tons of fun. After some Myk’s we hit the hay.

Sunday was another weekend day because of Labor Day. We started the day with a tailgate and a Brewer game. We had the normal clan. Me, Chappy, Adam and our significant others. We grilled what will probably be the last gourmet brats of the year and drank some brews. I wasn’t that gung-ho to go to the game because the Crew were in the throws of a nine game losing streak. Once we made it into the game we camped out inside Friday’s. There was nobody at the game, especially for a holiday weekend game but who can blame them for not coming. Well those that didn’t come didn’t miss anything because the Brewers lost their 10th. From the game we went to the Harp and hung out in the sun on their deck. Luedke and Anna joined us and the craziness increased. After the Harp we went to Brew City for more drinks and some appetizers. We were then going to go to Kenadee’s but it was closed so we ended up at My Office. We lost a lot of soldiers in the first hour of being at My Office. In the end it was Luedke, J and I. We continued the craziness and celebrated our labor until the wee hours. We took full advantage of our extra weekend day.

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