A Man, A Woman, A Truck

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This weekend was a very exciting one but I have to admit not one I was looking forward to. We closed on our house on Thursday and our apartment’s lease ended on Saturday. That meant moving all of our belongings over the course of a couple days. We started Friday night. We rented a van from U-haul and took three loads of boxes and smaller things. We weren’t planning on renting the van but looking back on the weekend we’re lucky we did.

Saturday we got to gettin’ early. Conveniently all of my friends were in Lacrosse getting hammered at Oktoberfest so it was the two of us doing the whole thing. My first trip was all the big stuff and I thought the rest of the day was going to be a cinch, wrong. We moved from eight to eight and I swear that our stuff tripled in the moved. I joked that we’re going to need a bigger house. I have to thank Jocelyn’s mom too. She came up and helped unpack some of the stuff while we were packing up the apartment. After an exhausting day we got everything in though. We have a house! My first act at the new place was showering and collapsing on the couch, I sense these exact actions will be recreated many time over. I was wiped from the days events.

Sunday I woke up sore as all get out. My brother and his family came to visit. He evaluated our house and did a little planning on how to go about tearing apart the house and getting it into the millennium. We’re going to enjoy it for a month or so and then start going This Old House on the thing. After some home inspecting we took our first of many trips to Taco Bell. Expect to see me balloon in weight due to all the easily accessible fast food restaurants around our location.

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