Chili Season Already?

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Friday night J was itching for a fish fry so we hit up our first attempt in our new area. We went to Solly’s on Port Washington. Solly’s is known for their butter burgers which are decent. I personally like Kopp’s and Sobelman’s better but they’re decent. We both got the fish fry. It was ok. The fish was a little dry and it was kept in the fryer a bit to long. It was edible but it doesn’t hold a candle to Turner’s. After dinner we drove the three minute drive home and spent the night watching TV. One great WFB find that occurred on Friday was a fabulous liquor store on the end of our street. The store has a huge wall of mix your own six pack beers. I have a feeling it’ll turn into my weekly bike ride. Friday, to the liquor store for a mix your own six pack. There are so many different beers I’ve taken up a new hobby of collecting beer labels.

Saturday unexpectedly turned into a fun day. We invited the clan to the homestead to check it out and watch the Badgers. The Chapman’s and Wians’ came over. We watched Bucky kick some butt and enjoyed some oat sodas. The Chapman’s had other things to do after the game but the Wians’ stuck around. I had some chili cookin’ for dinner but we needed more brew so we headed to my favorite new liquor store and got some mixer sixers. We hung around the castle the entire afternoon and early evening drinking beers and eating chili. I love these kinds of days, especially in winter and fall. We watched the afternoon football games and a movie. They left before ten which was a good time for us old geezers to start wrapping it up for the weekend so we can prevent the Sunday hangover. J and I watched another movie and hit the hay by midnight.

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