Relivin’ Old Glories

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This weekend was the culmination of months of planning for my ten year class reunion. During the past year I took it upon myself to organize a reunion because it did look like it was going to happen unless someone stepped up. I had the help of a couple ‘mates in the planning and was hoping everything would go off without a hitch.

On Friday after work I hooked up with Will who had flow in from San Fran for the reunion. He spent a couple days in Chicago and was hitchin’ a ride to Falls with us. He met me at he bus stop and we bussed it to WFB. I gathered all the stuff we’d need for the weekend and we headed to Falls. Friday’s activities included checking out the homecoming football game and then some drinks downtown. Before we met up with everyone we said hello to my mom at St. Mary’s. Then we went to a nice little restaurant in downtown Falls called Beans and Barley. We had a quick but delicious dinner and headed into the brisk Falls weather to check out the Falcons. We watched the game for a couple quarters and met up with the class of 96. There were surprisingly a lot of people that came out for the game. We left at the end of the third and went to the O to meet up with all the other cold 96ers. The rest of the night was a blast. It was a great group and we bounced around downtown Falls being crazy and getting caught up on old times. Not much planning of night one but it was a lot of fun.

Saturday was the big day. I didn’t have to do much during the day. J and I hung out by my brother’s and watched the Badger game. About four we headed to Bruce’s in Elkhart where the dinner and mixing was going to take place. I got everything setup and the squared away with Bruce and got ready to have fun. Everyone started to trickle in around five so I fired up the 1996 mix. Once everyone arrived I was able to let loose because everything was done. I drank some beers before dinner, mingled and took some pictures of the classmates. We ate dinner at six. We had the “Sheboygan wedding buffet” of chicken, tips, ham and the sides. It was all very good. For $20 a person I challenge anyone to throw a better shindig that we had. After dinner we hung around Bruce’s and talked some more. We packed things up at ten and headed to the Brown Bear which I think is one of the best bars around. The craziness proceeded to continued. The drinks were flowing and the high school immaturity was resurfacing. It was a lot of fun though and there was some face hurting laughs during the night. As the night went on people trickled home. The last group of us ended up leaving a little after midnight. The party was a success and worth every second of planning and out of pocket cost. We went over our budget by about $80 which is good planning. It was more than worth it to get to have some good times with my old high school mates. Thanks to John, Christy and Sarah for the help. Digger won the crazy drunk of the night award. See you all in five years!

Sunday J and I took off fairly early. We drove to the Kettles and went to Parnell Tower to check out the foliage. It was a nice fall day. We hiked up, snapped some pics and hiked down. The drive home was nice with a little back road driving. Once back in WFB I hit the couch for some Packers and rest.

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