Smell My Feet…

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Give me something good to eat.

J’s sister Arianne came up for the Badger v. Illinois game. She arrived Friday night and we went to the Village Pub to have some dinner. I’m really lovin’ the Pub. The food is really good and the drink prices are reasonable. After we finished our sandwiches we headed back to the pad. We watched part of a movie and hit the hay.

No rest for the weary, even on the weekends. We were heading to Madison early so I had to wake up the same time I wake up every day, the dreaded 6:30. We slapped on some Badger red and drove downtown to pick up Luedke and Anna. We got to Madison about nine. We parked in the Kohl Center parking lot and drank some oat sodas. From there we headed to Buck’s for a drink and then off to the game. I was a little nervous watching the first half. The Badgers were losing to the lowly Illini. But never fear, Bucky stormed back and held the southerners to no points in the second half while racking up touchdowns. The Badgers pulled out the W. After the game were going to head back to Buck’s. On the way we coincidentally ran into J and Arianne who were sitting in a different area of the stadium. They were hungry so we decided to go eat at Ian’s but the line was crazy long so we ducked into Doty’s. The wait there was 45 minutes so we put our name down and grabbed a drink. In the process of waiting we decided we didn’t want to wait so we headed out. J drove since she was the sober Sally. The drive to the Delafield Brewhaus was eventful and included a stop at a gas station where craziness ensued. Once at the Brewhaus we chowed down and had a sampler to help the cause. After we ate we dropped off L and Anna downtown and headed to the pad. We were supposed to go to Kondo’s for his Halloween party but we were shot. We called it a night. Shout out to L for hooking us up big time with the ticks!

Sunday was our first trick or treating in WFB. The neighbors organized a block party while ToTing was going on. I didn’t get a chance to get a new costume together so I wore Napoleon again. We ate some chili and appetizers and met the neighbors. It was a nice little get together but it’s kind of hard to meet your neighbors in a fro wig and coke bottle glasses. While we were sitting in the closed off street the kids would come by ToTing. There were prizes given out for the best costumes at the party and somehow I won scariest costume. So my Napoleon costume has won a funniest and scariest award. Time to retire this costume. It was fun and when it was all said and done we have a lot of candy leftover. The crappy part about having Halloween on Sunday is that it feels like it’s over. We need to get back to having Halloween on Halloween. Oh, well.

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