Holiday Hum-bug

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This weekend I had a DJ gig.  Luedke hired my services for his company’s holiday party.  I rented my normal rig and drove out to the hotel in Brookfield.  When I set up the speakers they had a nasty hum that I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from.  I went into panic mode and quickly drove to Best Buy to buy a replacement cable but it didn’t do too much.  I did my best to control the hum by using the volume knobs.  The dinner and the cocktails were the only time I had to worry about the hum.  Once the dancing got going I was fine and the night went off without another hitch.  It was pretty cool that I was able to fulfill every request thanks to a wireless internet connection.  J came along but she was really tired and ended up going up to our hotel room right after dinner.  After the party ended I packed everything up and hung out in the bar until midnight and called it a night.  The holidays have officially started for me.

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