Oxymoron: Fancy Bayou

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Friday I didn’t do anything but feel crappy.  I’ve been slowly getting a nasty cold.  I spent Friday night pounding chicken soup, green tea and vitamin drinks.

I didn’t feel much better on Saturday but I had to fire up because Rich and Billie were coming down for the home show at the Midwest center.  My cold progressed and I was nice enough to share my sickness with J.  We both felt like crap but powered through.  Rich and Billie showed up around one and Evraets came too.  Rich came for a couple reasons and one of the reasons was to help me get the Montero catalytic converter bolts off.  He used his torch and got them off so that was successful.  After that we went to the home show.  We zipped through that and afterward we went to Bayou the new restaurant here.  Rich had a gift certificate so that was another reason for the trip.  I didn’t get a good vibe from the place.  The food ended up being good but it was extremely overpriced for Cajun food which is supposed to be cheap comfort food.  Although the food was good I don’t think I’ll be going back there.  After dinner Craig went home and the four of us went to the Pub to catch the end of the playoff game.  We headed home after the game.  We watched a couple minutes of a movie but we were all tired so we hit the hay.  I need to shake this cold.