Buy Me Some Peanuts …and Diamond Earrings

It was Good Friday this week and there is no better way to honor the day than a Brewers game. I met Luedke and Hand at Dukes to have some happy hour brew before heading to the game. We bussed it to the stadium. It was a dreaded Brewers v. Cubs game. Luedke had the tickets and they were awesome seats but we were losing the whole game and dealing with Chub fans in that environment is a form of torture. L still had a ticket left and we called J to come meet us which she did. We stayed at the game for about five innings and then went to My Office for a few.

Saturday Jocelyn and I went out to celebrate our one year anniversary. It was a perfect one year celebration with my perfect woman. We went to Devon Seafood in the new Bayshore Town Centre. It was a crisp night but only being a couple blocks away we didn’t have be outside long. The food at the Devon was outstanding! I got an amazing cioppino which is a like a thick, spicy bouillabaisse. After dinner was over I gave J a pair of diamond earrings for our anniversary. I may have shot myself in the foot and overachieved for a first anniversary present but J is worth every penny. I got the earrings at a going out of business sale and have been holding on to them for four months which is impossible for me to do, especially with something like this. I was able to wait though. She loved them and the night was perfect. We headed home, had some champagne and called it a night.

Sunday was our actual one year anniversary but since we had celebrated it the night before it was low key. Sunday was also Easter. The only thing we really did was eat our cake top that Becky had air locked and froze for us. It actually wasn’t that bad. Nothing much else happened. I made a ham so we had some sandwiches and took it easy.

Steak, Drinks, Chili, Perfection?

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This coming week is both of my parents’ birthdays. What is becoming tradition is taking my parents out to St. Ann’s for a birthday dinner. J and drove up Saturday night and took them out for some good eats. My brothers and their fams showed up too. I’d repeat the whole St. Ann’s experience for the 100th time but it would be a broken record; fabulous porterhouse and delicious Old Fashioneds. On this trip to St. Ann’s I did run into Justin Richardson who was also enjoying the buttery steaks. When dinner was over I requested a cake for my mom and dad which was fun. After dropping off my parents we headed back to WFB.

Sunday was the annual chili cook off. We didn’t have the Wians’ with us this year but J and I went anyway. The weather was rainy as is always the case for the chili cook-off. The cook off was again a hit. They need to move it back to the Lakefront brewery because the downtown room is too hot and cramped. Either way you can’t go wrong eating ten samples of chili. Great way to end a weekend.