Another Fun Wedding, Ain’t No Bull

This weekend was the wedding of one and only Mr. Greg Neerhoff. After work on Friday I drove up to Sheboygan Falls to go to the rehearsal. I was a little late because traffic in Milwaukee was awful and I had to stop and pick up my tux in Sheboygan. I made it to the church about five minutes late but it wasn’t a big deal. The rehearsal took less then an hour which was nice. The rehearsal dinner was held at The Villager in Falls and was the typical Falls dinner, fried chicken, ham, mashed potatoes and all the fixings. I can’t count how many times in my life I have had this meal but it has to be nearing a hundred. Don’t get me wrong, this meal is very tasty and I could probably eat it every day if I had to. The Villager and Rangeline are neck and neck for the best chicken in the county too so I always request extra skin at these establishments. After dinner all the groomsmen received nice grilling sets, perfect for tailgating. Once that was done a handful of us went over to The O for a couple more drinks. Most people took off after one drink but Chad and I stayed out until just before midnight and headed home to rest up for tomorrow’s festivities.

Saturday a bunch of the guys woke up early and went golfing at Riverdale. I was lucky enough to get matched up in the first foursome with Greg, the groom, and the other more docile people in the bunch. We shot nine holes and I did pretty well. I got my first legit birdie on a par four and things were off to a good start. After golf we all went home to change. We got to the church at 11:30 which was WAY too early. There was a lot of sitting around time waiting for pictures. Once we got some of the pics out of the way it was show time. The wedding was very quick and this in turn constitutes a nice wedding. Badda boom badda bang you’re married. After the wedding there were more pictures and then we headed to the Bull for the reception and more pictures. We got a couple of quick pictures at the Bull when the rain started to come down in buckets. So off to the open bar we went. We sat there and waited for the reception to start. The reception was fancy and nicely done. There were two main courses for the meal, one, a choice of pastas and the second swordfish or pork tenderloin. The food was delicious and got me ready for the rest of the night. The rest of the night was your regular dancing and other wedding festivities. When the wedding ended I walked to the O and spent the remainder of the night there with Chad. It was a nice wedding. Congrats to Greg and Trisha!

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