Boring Winter Months

Not much has been happening these last couple weeks. Last weekend I went home to Falls for my brothers birthday. We just had a little get together. I spent Saturday in Falls drinking at the various establishments in bustling downtown Falls. This week I’ve had a little hope on the job front. I actually had an interview with a non-profit company in downtown Milwaukee. The job would be pretty much doing the same thing I did at he Primate Center at Madison. It’s close and it’s something it’d actually love to do. So everyone wish me luck. I’m excited for the Super Bowl this weekend. I could care less about the game and the boring ass teams that are playing. I am excited about my party though. I got a couple of friends coming over to watch the game and the food is gonna be fabulous. I’ll talk to ya all next week after my eating binge and 5 lb. weight gain.

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