No Strings Attached

This weekend I actually got to stay in Milwaukee and do whatever I wished. There was no Summerfest, baseball games, birthdays, concerts or anything else that I had to bind to. Friday I stayed in and built a computer for my parents. J and I kind of watched a movie while I drank a couple gin and tonics and built the computer. Nothing exciting but I got to sit at home for a change.

Saturday J and I went to the Milwaukee Ale House to see KB from WLKH play and watch the Brewer game. We sat and had some beers and watched the Crew get trounced by the Cincinnati. Then Luedke and Wians showed up and things took a turn for the worse, we started drinking at more of a rapid pace. I brought some cards along so we played some euchre and ordered some apps. We stayed there until about 6:30. At that time I had to run home and watch COPS which I haven’t seen in about two months. Once back at my place L, A and I played some cribbage, drank some stiffies, and watched the white trash get tasered. Everyone was having a good time until J threw me her phone and I missed it. The thing bounced off my hand into a glass of water. We tried to get it to work but the thing wouldn’t turn on so she was a little pissy for a couple hours, I can’t blame her but it really wasn’t my fault. Luedke tried to smooth over the situation with his anecdote on how he washed his phone and the thing finally turned on after couple days. When we finished up our final cribbage game we headed to Flannery’s for a couple drinks. We decided after a bit we needed a change of atmosphere and cheaper drinks so we went to My Office. We played a round of Golden Tee and hung out with our people, the downtrodden, outcasts who like cheap drinks. At oneish we headed to Mykano’s to top off the night with some gyros. Nothing beats the Sunday gyro mouth, that wonderful taste of cucumber sauce and onions that no matter how much you brush or gargle seems to stay with you. Another weekend over. For those of you wondering, Jocelyn’s phone started working again on Sunday a la Luedke’s experience and prediction, he truly is a guru.

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