When Guinness Calls, I Must Answer

On Friday I played it cool most of the night but I actually did leave the apartment for the first Friday in a long time. It was the great Guinness toast and since I live three blocks from two great Irish pubs I called Luedke and met him at County Claire. Jocelyn had to wake up early so I went solo. I met Luedke and his girlfriend Anna at about ten thirty. We had a couple pints of the dark beverage and participated in the worldwide toast. I headed home about twelve and called it a night.

Saturday I played the role of bum and lounged around all day. I had to get rested up because I knew that that night I was going to need lots of energy for cutting rug. We were going to go to a party but we decided to skip it and hooked up with Craig, Jackie and Feyer for a night of Three action. We did the usual route to Three via Taylor’s. It was really getting nasty and cold outside but it was on fire inside, WHOOPTY WOO! We stayed there all night and grooved to the jams of Milwaukee’s premiere DJ Jonn Hawley. At about 1:30 we left and went to out other new weekend routine Real Chili. We inhaled a couple bowls of the good stuff and headed home. It was really nasty outside and J and I saw a car rear end another car at a stoplight because of the icy roads. I’m sure there was booze involved but it was too cold to stick around and see the outcome so we hoofed it home and hit the hay.

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