Peoria Dreamin’
Not much to report this weekend. J and I went to Peoria to visit her family. Friday was spent driving there after work. We had to go through Chicago to pick up her sister at O’Hare. We arrived in Peoria around 9ish. We ordered pizza and went to bed.
Saturday was a long day. We woke up at 6:30 because J and her sister were running in the Steamboat Classic. This race is dubbed as the fastest four mile race in the world. I don’t think I’ve heard of any other four mile races so I think it’s the only four mile race in the world. Jocelyn tried to get me to run the race but I’m not paying $25 to someone so I can kill myself and then receive a t-shirt reminding me of the torture. It was a hot sticky morning so it was more of a steam bath classic. It was 80 and humid. The humidity didn’t affect the crazy Kenyans who finished first through fourth. They finished the race in 17:30 sec. It was kind of cool seeing a couple people who are headed to the Olympics in Athens. Jocelyn’s uncle did very well finishing the race in less than 24 minutes. Jocelyn’s goal was finishing the race and she did. I don’t know her time so I can’t post it for you. We’ll just say that Jocelyn is more of a water animal than a land animal. I give her and everyone else who ran the race props for finishing though, good jog. We stayed by the riverfront until ten and then we had to get home and get ready for lunch. We had lunch by the aunt’s house. After that we had to run home and get ready for dinner. We had dinner with her grandparents, aunts, and uncles at the country club. The dinner was delicious. After a brief stop at her grandparent’s house to look at some pictures we hit the Peoria nightlife. There was an Elton John impersonator down by the riverfront so we headed down there for the beer. I say the beer because why the hell would someone want to see an Elton John impersonator? Any-who we met up with some of J’s old high school friends. Once pseudo-John was done performing we went to some bar down the street. It was a really nice place and I had a great time talking to Jocelyn’s old friends and wasting the night away. We headed home about one and got some much needed sleep. I actually had an event happen during the week. J and I went to the Brewers game on Tuesday. We tailgated a little and had a couple yards from TGIFs. Nothing crazy but a good time none-the-less.