The Grand Prix Fix of Milwaukee

I had a very pleasant spring weekend. Friday night J and I went to the Brewers game. It was so nice after work and I was really looking forward to sitting in the lot and soaking up some rays. Of course Mother Nature knows that the weekend has started so she decided to bring in a huge bank of clouds as we were driving to the game. It still wasn’t too bad but the sun would’ve made it that much better. It was first day of the spring madness games. We bought Beer Pen tickets so I received my first free t-shirt of the year. We watched the crew lose a fairly boring game. We were out of it so we left in the top of the eight so we took off early. Canal Street just opened up so now its super easy to get home and the traffic is literally zero. I called Adam on the way downtown to see if he wanted to hit My Office for a bit. He did. So I picked him up on the way and dropped him and J off and went to park the car. Luedke showed up a little later with Anna and the five of us shot darts and had a good time. A late night stop at Myk completed the evening.

We had already planned to go to the game on Saturday and the weather cooperated a bit more than the night before. It was a nice sunny day and we headed for the lot at eleven. The same crew from the night before hung out in the parking lot. I got some good sun and we enjoyed a couple beers. We went into the game and got to witness a little history. The Brewers hit five home runs in one inning. That history doesn’t compete with my back-to-back foul ball catches, yea I’m still sore. A guy in front of us had gotten one of the balls. We learned later that the Brewers were attempting to collect all five balls so they traded the guy a game used bat and a ball signed by everyone, lucky dog. We enjoyed the rest of the game and headed out after the Brewers stomped the Reds. I didn’t get to eat as many hot dogs as last year. There was no real competition so I only ended up with a paltry seven. After the game we headed back downtown to Luedke’s and spent the afternoon playing dominos and watching the basketball playoffs. I was getting super tired but they motley crew wouldn’t allow me the privilege of going home to sleep. After dominos we headed to the Nomad which is a short walk from Luedke’s. We had some more beers there and got a couple of their Prix Fixes. It’s a special that really doesn’t appeal to me but I’m a sucker for a deal so I got a couple. You get a Pabst, a shot of Jamison and a cigarette for $5. It’s a steal and also a pretty hilarious combination. After a couple of those I was so tired I had to go home. Another stop at Myk to conclude a long day. The next entry will be coming from Hawaii! Mai tais for all!

What’s That Bright Thing? The Sun?

The weather is finally starting to get a little better and instead of feeling like collapsing on the couch after work I called up the wife and Luedke to see if they wanted to meet at the Ale House for some pints. I met them both after work on Friday and we sat at the bar and had some drinks. We got there early and the patio bar wasn’t opened yet so we stayed inside, at least we could see the sun. What was supposed to be a couple of pints turning into an all night affair because a bunch of our friends showed up. It was one of those “one more and then I’m out” moments where people keep on showing up so you can’t leave because you have to have a beer with them. So we ended up leaving the Ale House at about nine and going to the outdoor beer garden at McGillicuddy’s. J and I had one beer there and headed home about eleven or so. We stopped at the Myk on the way home to wrap up the night.

It was another nice day on Saturday and I just bought a new road bike and wanted to take it for a spin. J and I went for a short bike ride. It started to get a little cool so we didn’t get to go as far as we had hoped. It was nice to see the sun for a change though. After the bike ride we went to Kondo’s place for a cookout. There were a bunch of people at Kondo’s. We grilled out and had some beers and were home a little after ten. A fun day and not overly crazy which was nice.

Sunday was Easter. No families for either of us this year. We celebrated our one week anniversary by going to brunch at a new crab house called Rip Tide. I had a build your own Bloody Mary and the brunch. I also made the traditional Easter ham at home. We spent the day together, just the two of us. No holiday traveling was a nice change. Counting down the hours to Hawaii. Can’t wait.

Opening Day the Mexican Way, With Tequila!

I went over to Luedke’s to watch the final four games on Saturday. We hung around and had some beers. After the first game was over we went to Cans for a couple drinks. Luedke and Anna left so I hung out with Hand and went to BBCs for a couple drinks. They have my favorite beer, Hoegaarden, on tap. It’s the first time I’ve seen it on tap anywhere outside of the east coast. I had a couple of those and hiked it home. I stopped at Mykano’s to some late night grub.

Baseball season is here and opening day was Monday. This wasn’t as crazy as the last couple opening days have been. I left work at noon and took the bus to the stadium. This was the first time in a couple years I didn’t meet up with the Random Lake guys from Booze-Inn. Instead I met a couple of the Falls guys there. I hung out with them for a bit and then met Luedke at Lef’s Lucky town tailgate party. I had some food there and a couple beers. After that we headed into the game. The game was sold out and the Brewers won. When the game was over we were going to go to Lef’s but it was packed so we ended up at a Mexican restaurant next door. Anna met us there and we hung out for a while. Anna drove us back downtown. I went to My Office for a night cap and headed home. Stay tuned to a very special post next week as I get to give you all the play by play of my wedding, scary.

The Greater Chicago Links, Fore!

This entry should be much longer but once again there are just too many details that should be included that there is no way I can remember them all. That combined with a booze haze makes what should be a long story short. I had my Chicago bachelor party on Saturday. I drove down with my brother, Evraets and Billy. We drove to Chitown and checked into the Hyatt Regency in downtown. I got a steal on at $100 a room. After we checked in we took a cab to the Cubbie Bear in Wrigleyville where I met up with a bunch of my friends from Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago. Once there we started our game of bar golf. Bar golf is scored like regular gold with one drink at a bar being par and each drink after that being one under. We had a scorecard and itinerary all made up so we were well prepared. We all started on our way wandering from bar to bar. Some of the bar events that occurred during our wandering were cigar smoking, wooden Indian posing, other party food raiding, batting cage swinging and Fat Tire Ale (imported from Colorado) drinking. We were doing really good until about hole number nine. We stayed there a little too long because one of our friends from Madison worked there. So we camped out there and since there was a Qdoba across the street some people went get something to eat. After that, the group got pretty split up and it was everyone for themselves after that point. I tried to plod on with my cousin Steve. About a half hour behind was my brother, Evraets and a couple other friends but as far as the golf game was concerned it was over. I was -11 after nine so I’m pretty sure I was winning. We continued drinking at various establishments throughout the night and we ended up at an after hours bar someplace in the Chicago with a skeleton crew of about six of us. Everyone was a mess, including me. I was super tired and drunk so my brother and I left a couple diehards and cabbed it back to the hotel. We got back around four so I was pretty mad when Billy started thrashing around the hotel room at seven. I was pissed but I knew he wanted to get home so we woke up and drove back. I was home by noon which was nice because I could rest the rest of the day. It was a good time.

A Baptism, St. Patty and Beer

Hey there Patty! St. Patty’s landed on a Friday this year which makes for a guaranteed crazy day. After work I headed over to the Milwaukee Ale house to meet a couple of the guys that had the day off. The Badgers were playing in the NCAA tourney and got their butts spanked. Never-the-less, that didn’t prevent Luedke and Wians from having a few. We stayed at the Ale House for a bit to have some happy hour pints and shoot some darts. After a couple hours there we went to meet Jocelyn and the Delahunts at Flannery’s. I was bound and determined to get a sampling of the world’s largest rueben at the Wicked Hop. On the walk to Flannery’s I stopped and paid my $5 for a slice and was it huge. I gnawed on the thing the entire walk to Flannery’s and I barely finished half of it. I never throw away food but I was stuffed and out of time so once I got to Flannery’s I had to throw some of it away. Once in Flannery’s I joined the “happy” crowd. We stayed there for a couple hours sampling the Jamison and Guinness. After Flan’s we went to My Office for the smaller crowd ambiance and a couple more festive St. Patty’s drinks.

I woke up on Saturday a little groggy from the night before but nothing to severe which was good because Saturday was the Riverwest Pub Crawl. I went on this last year with Luedke and Anna and it was a blast. This year Jocelyn and Erica came along. The crawl started at Onopa and we had good weather again although it wasn’t quite as warm as last year. There are really too many details to describe this event packed day. We snaked our way through the Riverwest area of Milwaukee drinking beers at the nineteen bars on our map. A couple of the bars have food to eat. One thing that every bar does have is an interesting cast of characters because Riverwest is a very bohemian area of Milwaukee. The five of us had a great time. From one until about ten we ventured around the neighborhood. At our final stop, The Squirrel Cage, Luedke, Anna and Erica took a cab home. Jocelyn and I probably should have as well but we decided to walk home. We thought that the walk would sober us up. The problem is you don’t really sober up if you stop at bars on the way home. It was a very long walk home and we stopped at The Nomad on way home for a beer, some rest and warmth. After a drink we headed to Mykano’s for a gyro to soak up some of the toxins in our stomachs.

Sunday was a pretty rough one. J and I had to drive to Sheboygan for my nephew’s baptism. We weren’t in the best of shape but we made it. Sitting through church with tons of crying kids was really the last place I wanted to be. After church they had the baptism. When that was finished we went to Rich’s house to eat the leftover food from my bachelor party. We didn’t stay long. All the noise and people in that little house was pretty nauseating so we headed back to Milwaukee and enjoyed the rest of our lazy Sunday.