Hello World!

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MorrisonIMG_6898 John Rau

Born: 05/31/15 4:54 pm
Weight: 8 lbs. 0 oz.
Height: 20 in
Where: Columbia St. Mary’s, Milwaukee, WI
Brewers 7 – D’backs 6 (17 innings)

Changing of the Guard

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A moment of silence please. After almost 12 years of corporate clicking and scrolling, my Logitech MX510 is being retired for a younger, faster mouse, just out of college. We’ve had a good run. I think I hear Taps, I mean Clicks, being played in the distance.

Logitech MX510

Car Troubles

This morning when I merged onto the highway I heard a massive THUNK. The family truckster hasn’t been running the smoothest at times lately, so I slowed down to 35 to assess if I needed to pull over. No light on the dash, no further thunking, so I went the speed limit to work. When I got off the off ramp, another massive thunk. I’m thinking there is something wrong with the tranny. I’m only a mile from my parking spot so I figure I can get there, but then, another massive THUNK! I pulled over, and as soon as I put it in park, I realized the problem. I opened the door and took the can of Coke off the roof that was rolling in the luggage rack. I put it there this morning while opening the car door. What a relief it wasn’t the car.

The culprit. Of course it says "mom" on it.
The culprit. Of course it says “mom” on it.

Another Year Slips By

First the run report. 3.7 mi in 30:38, 8:17/mi pace. This run could not be at a worse time each year. This is a slacking time of year for me. I just got finished with a week of eating leftover pasta salads from our party, and drank and ate at the fair all day yesterday. I’m setting myself up for failure. The .7 absolutely killed me today. It felt like I had cinder blocks on my feet.

Another satisfying year, albeit quick. Had some great trips back to New York and Hawaii. Had another fun WI vacation. The little monsters are great. Della is a full blown little girl and Lana is learning a new word a day. The blur that is life continues forward.

Off to the Murray family picnic. Go Pack!

Wrong Side of 35

I did my 36 yr 3.6/mi run. A very unrespectable 8:47 pace. I had to briefly walk twice. I’m still on the rebound from getting grossly out of shape over my month paternity leave. I can’t blame it all on that though since the time has been going up every year. Knees hurt bad today too. Gorgeous morning though.

So I’m on the downside of 30s. Man, time continues to fly. I suspect this will be the sentiment from here until the end. My goal for the year is to simplify.

Off to undo all my run plus a whole week or runs by going to the State Fair.