Movie Reviews and Ratings

Pressure Cooker

Finally came across a good movie.  It’s a story about culinary arts students in inner city Philly and their inspirational teacher.  The reason our school systems stink is because there are no longer teachers like this.  It used to be these teachers were the majority and the sheepish ones were the minority.  Now if you’re a good teacher you get a documentary made about you.  Granted the major reason it is this way is due to the threat of lawsuits at the smallest inspirational teaching cuff.  Anyway, a great movie to give you a small glimmer of hope that there are still teachers that are old school.  We had plenty of teachers like this… Mader, Robers, Gigstad… I’m thankful.

Badgers Lose, I Lose, Packers Win

Friday I made some jambalaya. Now that I have free time on the weekends I will start cooking more again. My jambalaya turned out good but it was hot because I accidentally added too much hot sauce. J and I watched a movie about the real school of rock out in Philly. The kids that were in this school were amazing and the twelve year old guitar player was unbelievable. Rock School was a great movie.

On Saturday we invited Adam, Stacey and Schwenker over for the Badger game. We watched the Badger defense get run over by Northwestern in a 51-48 loss. We were pretty bummed after that but we pulled it together. Ham was in town for a wedding so we went down to Water St. and met him at the Water Street Brewery for a couple beers. After that we headed over to brothers for their two for one happy hour. That was a bad mistake again! I had way too much to drink which is my fault. No more Brother’s happy hour for this guy. We were home and sleeping before midnight. Not the relaxing weekend I was hoping for.

Packers finally got a win this Sunday. They beat New Orleans 52-3. They should have banked some of those points for the rest of the season. Let’s hope they can pull it together and put some wins together.

Sponge Bob Again?

This Halloween was a pretty tame one. On Friday Jocelyn and I hit up Turner Hall for a fish fry and then went to go see a movie at a massive cinemaplex in New Berlin. There were twenty some movie theaters but the theater we were in was ironically the smallest movie theater I’ve probably ever been in. I’ve seen some home movie systems that rival the size of this theater. The reason the theater was so small is because we saw a movie that nobody probably ever heard of. We went to see a movie called “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”. It was a Discovery Channel type movie that discussed quantum physics and theory and asked questions about why we perceive things the way we do and what makes us us and is there an us. It has a bit of theology mixed in as well. It was a great movie and really makes you think about life and the universe. If you are a thinker, questioner, and ponder go see this movie tonight. If you aren’t, go see it tomorrow, it’s really good. After the movie was over my brain hurt too much and I didn’t know if I actually existed or thought I existed so I took my non-existent ass to bed.

Saturday we really didn’t do that much either. There was a party going on but I didn’t feel like going so Todd and Steph came over and hung out. We all sat around and drank some sangria and watched “The Lady in White” which is a movie that scared the crap out of me as a kid. It is a hard movie to find and is currently out of print. I tried to get the DVD on eBay last year but it was going for $100+. I managed to get a copy this year for $25. It was obviously a bootleg and I was going to send it back but it would be more trouble doing that than it’s worth. Anyway, the movie wasn’t scary at all and was cheesier that I expected. It would have been good back in the day but the awful special effects and bad acting took all the horror out of the movie. When that was over Todd and Steph went home. Jocelyn and I felt like going out so I slapped on my Sponge Bob costume and we went to Flannery’s for a couple drinks. We headed home about midnight and hit the hay. I haven’t had this calm of a Halloween weekend since I was bobbing for apple at my aunt’s house. Oh well, there’s always next year.

Sunday was an unexpected crazy day for me. I went with Jocelyn to her bar, the Sports Dock in Pewaukee, to watch the Packer game. I had a couple Bloody Marys and some beers and talked with the locals while the game was going on. The Packers rolled to another victory and I was feeling pretty good. Jocelyn got done after the game and we were planning on going home right after the game but the next thing we knew it was the end of the second game. Then the next thing we knew it was bar time. J and I hung out with J’s boss and her husband and I guess we were having so much fun we lost track of a whole day, must’ve been a time warp thing we saw in Friday’s movie. It was tons of fun but I paid the price the next day. I guess my Halloween did end up being crazy after all. Get out and vote this week!