I’m Back!!!

Hey hey, looks who’s back! Wow have I been a lazy goon. I upgraded to Windows Vista and never bothered to get my server set up again. Since my electricity bill is also out of control I really didn’t want my desktop running all day just so I can get one hit a day to my website. Well, I’m still lazy, but I found the time to get the basic server setup again on a really neat low power, low noise, low heat, low everything computer. The decTOP is what I’ve been looking for a while and it’s now my dedicated server. The little hand size server isn’t the fastest in the world but it does the job for a low traffic site. I had to dust off my Linux skills and learn command line again so that inhibited the process. So barring some sort of new problem you can look for my weekly musing once again! Good to be back!!!

Too Much Weekend Work

I skipped last week’s entry because I did absolutely nothing. Nada, zip, zero. The only thing I did is watch a lot of football.

This weekend was a little more exciting but not much. Friday I went out after work for a going away party at the Ale House. I stayed there for a couple hours and then headed home. Once at home I ate and watched some movies.

Saturday I had to wake up early to go work on L’s network. I should have stayed home because I messed up some of the network permissions. I got a little accomplished but not nearly as much as I wanted to get done. I got home about one, at a burrito and watch the next playoff game. After that game was over it was time to get ready for the ASQ holiday party. I probably wouldn’t have gone but it was two blocks away from here at the Astor hotel. I figured why stay home and have frozen pizza when I can go a block and get a real meal for free. J and I headed over there a little before seven for the cocktail hour. We had our free drink and mingled with some of my colleagues. At 7:30 it was time for dinner. For dinner we both had the sun dried tomato chicken. The food was pretty good, nothing overly special. I was probably the first one done and the first one out of the ballroom and to the bar. The second football game was on and there was no way I was going to miss it for a work related function. After a couple minutes some other people started to trickle out to the bar. I sat and watched the game with J and some work folk. After the game was over the place started to clear out. A couple of the friendlier people from work were going to County Claire for a couple more drinks. So we went the block to the CC. J was pretty tired so she headed home after about ten minutes. I was having a good time so I stayed out a bit longer. I had another Guinness and headed home about midnight. Pretty low key year up to this point. No drama thus far though so that a bonus. Next weekend probably won’t be too special either but next week I head off to St. Thomas! Oh yea!

T’was The Week Before Christmas

I’m actually doing something out of the ordinary and staying up-to-date with my blog. It’s Sunday night and all of the weekend’s craziness is fresh in my head so no detail will be left out.

This may be up to the minute but there isn’t much craziness to document this weekend. Friday I had a half day so I had a little time to get some things taken care of. I went to an optometrist to try to find some prescription Oakleys. No luck though. I need some new specs but I can’t seem to find the ones that I want anywhere. After that I headed to the Ale House for some lunch. Post cheese steak and stout beer I headed home in the blistering cold. It was so cold that my iPod literally froze and stopped working and now I can’t get the piece of junk working. Please click on the link on the left side of the page to help me get my iPod back. They’ve roped me in and now I won’t be able to live without the thing. After the Ale House and the frozen iPod I got home and took an afternoon nap. J and I went grocery shopping, she took a “sick day” as well, so we picked up some stuff for dinner. We stayed in on Friday and I cooked a nice meal. I made some homemade pasta and some delicious sauce to go with it. We stayed in and had a bottle of wine and enjoyed the radiation of our radiators, pretending it was a fireplace.

I had to wake up early again this Saturday to help out Luedke. Up at six and off to Germantown. I worked on the network and did riveting group policy setup. At noon we had had enough and we had a couple beers and watched the UW-Whitewater championship game. For the second half we went to a nice bar in G-town called Barley Pop. I had probably the closed thing to heaven on a bun that you can get. It was a steak sandwich with mozzarella cheese, bacon and ranch dressing, oh man. We watched the second half of the game, played some Golden Tee, some pool and headed back downtown after seeing Whitewater lose a close one. I took an hour nap after I got home to refresh the batteries. When I woke up I tried something new. The hair is getting a little shaggy and in need of a haircut but I thought that before I trimmed it I would try something different. I got a hair highlighting kit and put some streaks in my hair. It looks ok actually. I doubt it will be something that I do on a regular basis but for the time being I like it. After that we got ready for a holiday party that our friend Tasha was having. We headed out there with Luedke and Anna. The party was a good time. Laid back with good hors d’oeuvres and friends, very holiday. After the party we were going to go out but this dang winter freeze prevented us going out again and we all just decided to go home. This week, the week for Christmas, ho ho ho!

New Blog

As you can see there has been a significant change to iRau.com. I’ve decided to move away from my home grown application and I’m going to try a pre-fabbed program. The program is called WordPress. This program has a ton of built in features, features that I eventually wanted to get implemented into my blog but I never had the time to program it myself. This program is easily customizable and has many many more features such as being able to “subscribe” to my website and also add comments about my posts. I’m going to give it a test run and we’ll see if I stick with it or not. Leave me some comments.